Green Investment in Africa; Why it should be Encouraged

Africa is the home of humanity. Our continent needs to play a more crucial role in safeguarding our planet by inspiring green investment in Africa. A better world will be great for everyone. The business world wields enormous power. When such power is repurposed towards building a better continent, we will see the beauty of our world restored. An environmentally friendly business model needs to be adopted across Africa.

image for Green Investment in Africa

This is important as Africa still has so many environments that remains undisturbed by industrial activities. Africa also has one of the biggest vast untapped space in the Sahara desert that can become whatever we desire to make of it. It is important to encourage green investment in Africa because it is one where Africa holds great potential that will benefit our planet.

Understanding the Concept of Green Investment

You may want to ask, what is green investment? Green investment refers to a business model that utilizes environmentally friendly approaches and products. This includes the production and distribution of environmentally friendly products, and services by employing eco-friendly business practices. In the current reality of our world, enterprises that are climate change conscious and take steps to mitigate the impact of global warming may be regarded as green investments.

Regarding green investment in Africa, this refers to business initiatives encouraging African businesses to adopt environmentally friendly approaches. In this case, then running enterprises that benefit the environment.

Why Green Investment in Africa is Important

The role of businesses in our society is shaping and reshaping our world. We are brought where we are today because businesses are able to produce products and render services that are vital to our society. When businesses begin to take conscious steps to make our planet better, things are going to have a better outcome.

Africa needs to capitalize on the green investment initiative to lead. When we look at the trajectory of our world, especially regarding industry and technological development, Africa takes a distant trailing behind. Channeling African development towards protecting the environment is one that is going to put Africa on a global focus.

Green Investment in Africa is one that will put Africa in a leadership role

We have noted that so far, Africa is trailing the rest of the world in almost all positive indices. When it comes to industry and development, Africa doesn’t measure up with the rest of the world. Green investment is one initiative where Africa may have the upper hand. 

Factors that May Put Africa in Leading Role in Green Investment

When it comes to the adoption of green investment in Africa, it is one that will put Africa ahead of other continents given some advantages that the continent already has. These advantages include:

Vast Fertile Land with a balanced population: Africa is the second largest continent only behind Asia. Unlike Asia, Africa has a moderate population. This means that Africa can easily reach food abundance when the right approach is utilized.

With nearly all of its land viable for agriculture, green investments like Agriculture will see Africa become a huge food exporter. Apart from agriculture, Africa’s vast land can be used for other categories of green investment, and the continent can reposition to champion the global climate change consciousness.

Abundant Resources: Africa also has abundant resources. With these resources, the continent can survive with moderate industrial activities. Even if we have to reduce the export or utilization of fossil fuel resources because of their climate impact, Africa has a vast of other resources with less impact on the environment.

These other resources includes gold, diamond, lithium, Uranium, and much more. These resources can be exchanged for finished products while creating a viable greener environment that would attract all forms of tourism and other forms of eco-friendly economy. Africa’s economy can be re-engineered to reflect nature untouched, a preservation of the planet’s original form.

Energy potential: A sunny atmosphere is one blessing that Africa has not been harnessing so far. Where other continents may need to generate more electricity to keep warm in winter, Africa wouldn’t need such additional energy. This means that greenhouse gas emissions in Africa can be reduced to the minimum.

Also, abundant sunlight means that solar energy can serve as an alternative supply of electricity. Several African countries are rich in lithium. Electric cars can be adopted in the continent which will be recharged using solar energy.

From here one can see that adopting green investment in Africa will give the continent a clear lead. It will be easier for Africa then to gain relevance by repositioning towards going green than continually trailing the world even as we seem to be heading in the wrong direction.

A Vast Fresh Beginning: While we have the Amazon forest and other vast vegetation in the world, Africa’s vast Sahara desert can be used to build desirable vegetation. The beautiful thing about such new green projects is that the plants and other species that will be introduced to such geography can be chosen. It will be such an ambitious project but if the other parts of the world are ambitious enough to send men to the moon, I wonder why Africans cannot re-engineer the continent for the better.

Young Population: Africa’s young population can be built into a new passion and a new adventure. The young energy when smartly deployed can achieve great results. In the not-so-distant past, vibrant young Britons like Mungo Park, the Lander brothers, Mary Slessor, and so on were all going on different voyages with different intentions.

Young people love adventure. If Africa’s young population can be influenced towards green investment initiatives, it will have a resounding impact not just on the continent but on the planet.


Green investment in Africa is one that will put the continent in a leading position, expand the scope of doing business, and create employment. It is a direction that holds great potential for the continent and its inhabitants. There are lots of profits to be made through green investment in Africa. Above all, green investment could help slow global warming and its concerning impacts.

We will keep encouraging investors to look towards the direction of championing investments with positive and healthy implications for our world.

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