PV Module Assembly Plant in Enugu By FG; Benefits

To understand the significance of the establishment of the PV Module Assembly Plant in Enugu, one has to understand the role of this renewable energy initiative. PV module is the primary aspect of the solar panel that gives the panel the ability to convert energy from the sun to electric charges that can be used to power electric equipment or be stored for future use.

image for PV Module Assembly Plant in Enugu

Nigeria setting up such a PV Module Assembly Plant in Enugu will bring hope for electricity diversification and additional industries. Reality is such that such a primary aspect of solar technology in Enugu will lead to an energy revolution with an impact that would eventually go beyond the state and even the country.

The Federal Government of Nigeria is taking intentional steps towards achieving a cleaner and diversified energy source. In commitment to such a clean energy objective, a solar energy project is initiated in Enugu to unplug even more people from the national grid. When fewer people use the national grid given available cleaner and renewable energy, our society and planet will benefit.

Renewable energy like solar is the future and in the case of Nigeria, such portable energy initiatives will transform the society. Earlier portable electricity options included the use of gasoline-powered plants. In medium to large-scale industries across the county, standby diesel power plants are often preferable. The smaller generators set are usually for homes while the diesel-powered generators is preferable among Nigerians for medium to large-scale firms, both have some negative impact on the environment.

From emissions to noise pollution portable generator sets can be a menace. The national grid has long been unreliable. Characterized by frequent power outages and blackouts that can often last for days, Nigerians have long lost confidence in the National electricity supply from the national grid. With the solar initiative to be established in Enugu, the trend in electricity supply and distribution is about to take a different turn, towards one that can be regarded as a positive turn of events.

Benefits of PV Module Assembly Plant in Enugu

As a government project, seeing that the populace understands the importance of such a project may increase government seriousness. Understanding this, we decided to take a look at the many benefits that the project would offer when completed. These benefits include:

  • Diversified energy source: The completion of the PV Module Assembly Plant in Enugu will reduce the reliance on the national grid or even other standby electricity sources like gasoline and diesel-powered generator sets.
  • It will reduce pollution: Several classes of pollution would be limited with mass adoption of the solar option for powering. With the PV module plant in Enugu, more individuals will prioritize such clean and noiseless energy options. This will reduce noise and air pollution.
  • Industrialization: This will be a breakthrough as we industrialize towards a clean and renewable energy source. The establishment will lead to an industrial revolution as the PV module assembly plant in Enugu would surely have a waiting market. All through modern history, electricity has been a huge driver of industrialization.
  • Improved electricity supply and experience: With more available electricity options then the dependence on the national grid will keep reducing. When this happens an all-round electricity efficiency will ensure because unplugging Enugu from the national grid will leave others with more electricity. Even if Enugu is not entirely unplugged from the grid, the load on the grid will be reduced. When this happens the electricity experience in the country would improve.
  • Reduction of Solar Power panel price in Nigeria: With homegrown solution comes affordability. Buying panels built with PVs assembled in Nigeria will come with affordability benefits compared to panels assembled outside the country.

Having homegrown solutions will lead to alternative and potential competition with imported counterparts. This could be more beneficial to consumers when the importer monopoly is checked.

  • Employment creation: The establishment of the PV module assembly plant in Enugu will bring massive employment. It will create a huge knowledge base in the technology that would bring Forex when both services and products of the facility are exported to neighboring countries. This will reduce youth unemployment and create wealth for the people, the state government, and the country.
  • Inspiring even more steps towards clean energy: The project will serve as a model for other states and its success will trigger a shift towards massive deployment of its products. Patronage and even establishment of similar facilities in other states would eventually occur.

When that happens it will be an amazing development to watch. Nigeria is very under-supplied with electricity. If the PV module assembly plant in Enugu inspires innovation towards such an energy source, it will bring positive outcomes for the country’s energy sector.


The decision of the Federal government to set up such an ambitious and intentional project in Enugu will be of immense benefit not just to the people but also to the environment. We hope that the project’s objective is accomplished.

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