Vision Statement

Vision Statement: To actualize a World Where Businesses Champions Climate Change and Healthier Society through Impact Investment Initiatives.

More on Our Vision: Capitalists have taken the biggest blame for the emergence of global warming. The present and the last century came with the biggest industrialization ever known. This has come with some price which is a rising safety concern for our planet.

In all of these, corporations are becoming more powerful. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, plastic pollution, and more are the negative products of our industrial prosperity.

It is understood that our world thrives on business and no matter how we blame industrialists, capitalists, or industrial prosperity for the decay of our planet, humanity won’t perform very well if all enterprises were to close.

We believe that something can be done. Saving our planet is possible if the same aggression used in creating the chaos, the pollution, the dirt is used in reverting it. The planetary menace we now face if at all brought about by the actions of capitalists can also be reversed by the actions of capitalists.

Niger Investor’s vision is a society where enterprises take conscious and intentional steps to encourage investment in a cleaner world. A world where businesses and leaders see the viability of a serene orderly, and healthy world in a way that can drive money for our industrialists.

We strongly believe that once capitalists see the profitability of green energy, plastic recycling, planting more trees, and so on, they could rethink and invest in these things aggressively; by so doing, our planet can be saved.

In every such move, a target geography that serves as a test ground is always necessary. In this case, we are using Nigeria as the target geography. We wish to encourage clean investment in the country. The end goal is to reduce the damage done by industrialization through industrialization.

Vision Overview

Our vision is to encourage individuals, corporations, and businesses to make investments that can bring a better world, bring more profit with less effort and damage to the environment. With a focus on Nigeria and Africa, we want a Nigeria where there’s a healthy environment, peace, abundance to eat and drink, and a healthier society.

We have noted earlier that the aggressiveness of capitalism can be deployed to build new styles of enterprises to create fortunes by pursuing wealth intentionally. Since we believe that a great chunk of the damage to our planet is partly due to industrialization; then it can be reversed by the same model and its modification.

Our vision is one where a safer world-motivated investments occur. We are encouraging these types of investment believing that once people integrate a better world pursuit into business, the reality of such a world would be achieved faster than it could have been by other means. Niger investor means encouraging businesses with a positive impact not just on people but on the planet and the universe.