About Niger Investor

Niger Investor is a green investment promotion initiative website with a focus on Nigeria. The website aims to provide credible information regarding impact investing in Nigeria and Africa; at other times, the platform also has global interest.

With Nigeria being the biggest Nation in Africa by population, it becomes important that there should be a dedicated platform helping individuals and corporations take advantage of Nigeria’s eco-friendly business potential and make informed financial and business decisions that may benefit our planet.

Niger Investor is your reliable online source for comprehensive eco-friendly business and investment information in Nigeria. The information and insight provided by the platform are crucial to the Nigerian populace and foreigners interested in investing in the most populous country in Africa in environmentally beneficial ways.

Vision Statement: To actualize a World Where Businesses Champions Climate Change and a Healthier Society through Impact Investment Initiatives…Learn More!

Our Mission: Encouraging Enterprises towards Green Impact Investment and Promote Climate Change Forestalling Initiative…Learn More!


  • To make Timely and Accurate Eco-friendly Business information in Nigeria Available to Needing Individuals and Corporations: The 21st-century world is ruled by information and, at the same time, marred by information; being informed is not enough; it is being properly informed that matters. Proper impact investment and business information are as important as the business capital itself.

Niger Investor is aimed at providing real-time market data, expert analysis, and in-depth articles covering various green investment sectors, including renewable energy, global warming, water availability and management, real estate, agriculture, eco-friendly technologies and impact business development in Nigerian and African markets with a bit of delve into global eco-friendly business trends, and other vital information.

  • To Provide Nigerian Green Business Landscape Investment Insight: Business is local, and Nigeria is not an exception; a successful business in any given place requires detailed information about local events. Local dynamics play a critical role in the success and failure of any venture, this is also applicable to green investments.

At Niger Investor, we aim to provide insight into critical local exigencies, sentiments, and trends that have impacted local green investment over time. This timely update on the local scenario would be followed and updated in real-time so that investors in the Nigerian local environment can find useful environmentally friendly trends on time and make decisions accordingly.

  • Green Investment Corporation Profiles and Analysis: Great business decisions often start with understanding enterprises. Sound investment decisions often require an excellent understanding of specific companies in this case those whose practices conform with environmental safety.

Apart from our focus on green investment, Niger Investor also researches companies to provide comprehensive information like company profiles, key performance indicators, and expert analysis of Nigerian companies and the local informal market.

These studies extend to foreign companies with a presence or focus on Nigeria. Additionally, our platform provides insights into these companies’ performances, strengths, weaknesses, and growth potential, empowering individuals, investors, and buyers to make informed transactional and investment choices.

  • Eco-Friendly Business Event Hosting, Organizing Seminars and Webinars: At Niger Investor, we want to ensure that eco-friendly businesses and individuals interested in investing in Nigeria get not just the right information but the needed support, tools, and pieces of training to carry out desired business pursuits in the Nigerian business space.

These provisions include but are not limited to regularly hosting of exclusive impact investment business events, planning and executions of eco-friendly business projects, business ideas refining, webinars, hosting of conferences featuring industry experts, startups and business leaders in different industries.

These events offer opportunities to new and experienced business people and contribute to expanding knowledge, network with professionals, and offer startup companies a platform to learn, grow, and gain insights into emerging investment trends specific to Nigeria and Africa.

Niger Investor is your reliable companion as you navigate the green investment landscape in Nigeria. The website offers diverse information with a diverse impact investment business focus. Whether a beginner or an expert, exploring the Nigerian business terrain is interesting when equipped with the information, guide, and analytics we provide.

Even for beginners aiming for a startup in the green investment initiatives or seeking investment opportunities, our platform provides the information, analytics, and insights you need to make well-informed green investment decisions in the Nigerian market.


At Niger Investor, we believe that Nigeria’s huge economy and market size, growth potential, rich natural and human resources, economic reforms, and strategic location in West Africa and Africa make it an appealing green investment destination.

With these potentials, several people would desire to take part in impact investing in Nigeria, we aim to ensure that such people get the much-needed information they require, providing these crucial services to the businesses and individuals aiming to invest in Nigeria is our priority.

We believe that if there’s any place where pushing for the reverse in our planet through impact investing should be taken most seriously, it should be Nigeria. Besides business, non-business people and entities could find our information valuable, even for academic purposes or being part of a safer; greener world.

At Niger Investor, we are primarily focused on serving the impact investment and business community, this includes small and large-scale impact investment enterprises and multinationals, as we understand that it is essential for impact investors to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and stay updated on the evolving nature of our planet and deploy their businesses to proffer solution.