Omaa Motors Nigeria: Company Focus and Prospect

Omaa Motors Nigeria is the newest entrant into Nigeria’s automobile industry. With a focus on Gas and electric-powered vehicles, Omaa Motor Nigeria has come into the industry with many promises. Nigeria, which happens to be Africa’s largest country by population and also the biggest economy, has the potential to be the continent’s largest vehicle market. As Omaa Motors joins the ranks of Innoson Vehicles, it becomes important to understand the prospects of Omaa Motors, its similarities with other brands and what sets it apart from other Nigerian Car brands and assembly lines.

image for Omaa Motors Nigeria

Facility Location and Market Prospect

Like Innoson Vehicles, the Omaa Motor Nigeria production facility is in Anambra State, Nigeria. The company was also founded by an Anambra man named Chinedu Oguegbu. Anambra is home to the Onitsha main market, the largest single market in West Africa. Location consideration is very important, especially for intending investors or distributors of the products, as the location is strategic.

Nnewi is another huge market in Anambra State, especially for car and other machinery spare parts; positioning the new car manufacturer’s facility in a market environment is a great step. This choice of location would ensure collaboration with other indigenous car manufacturing companies around or, in another twist, could lead to potential competition; whichever way, there’s a lot to benefit from collaboration or healthy competition.

Production Focus at a time of needed transition

Omaa Motors Nigeria is focused on producing energy-efficient cars by utilizing hybrid technologies; their production is aimed at Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) powered and electric vehicles. This production focus is coming when Nigeria needs this swift transition from Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) to Compressed Natural Gas or other alternatives like Electric Cars. The transition from petrol cars to CNG or electric cars became urgent following Nigeria’s federal government’s removal of the petrol subsidy, thereby skyrocketing the petrol price in the country.

Conversion from Petrol to CNG, establishment of service centers or maintenance facility

One of customers’ greatest concerns regarding the purchase of machines is available support and maintenance. It is one thing to purchase a product, but it is another to ensure a smooth fix of the products in case of malfunctions. Omaa Motors Nigeria is considering these concerns and not just caring about their products alone but also popular products across Nigeria. With their intended establishment of Petrol to CNG conversion centers, one can see that they are bringing a lot of care not just for their own but a range of other products. This would reduce the fears of several consumers as there is a likelihood that their products purchased from the car brand would get the long-term support and maintenance they deserve.

image for Omaa Motors Nigeria CNG option
PMS to CNG conversion Option

Omaa Motors Nigeria announced their interest in setting up conversion facilities as many motorists in Nigeria faces the critical reality of rising petrol price. This event is worsened by the fact that most Nigerian cars are powered by petrol; this has created concern as several motorists now intend to convert their previous petrol cars to CNG cars. The conversion needs a lot of expertise for effectiveness; Omaa Motors has made its intention of delving into the challenge known. This brings a sigh of relief to motorist and the majority of Nigerians, which relies on one form of road transportation or the other. A service center for Omaa Motors could be set up alongside these conversion centers.

Although it is anticipated that since Omaa Motors Nigeria’s production facility is located in Anambra, several of their services and conversion centers will also be established there or in the nearby Southeast Nigeria States in the early days; however, persons interested in their products in other parts of the country should also remain hopeful that their maintenance, distribution and other aspects of the car company would spread nationwide and beyond in due time.

Electric Car Option: How do they hope to overcome Nigeria’s unstable power supply challenges?

Innovation is the art of challenging the narratives; the question is, what would Omaa Motors Nigeria do differently that could motivate the mass use of Electric cars in Nigeria?

Electric cars in Nigeria may seem fancy in theory; however, with Nigeria’s current unstable power supply situation, one may wonder what the future holds for electric cars and electric car companies. Omaa Motors Nigeria seems to be one of the brave manufacturers wishing to enter this uncharted territory. It becomes surprising and inspiring; perhaps they will set up their charging stations nationwide, or alternative powering options like solar could come into play.

The charging plans ought to be some of the questions consumers need to ask Omaa Motors Nigeria before deciding to put their money into electric vehicles. Although there’s a lot of confidence, one may wonder,  maybe since Nigerians can use electric-powered cell phones, electric cars would also find a way around getting charged, but I kid you not, you won’t be putting your electric car in your pocket while finding next place to charge your battery.


The prospect for Omaa Motors Nigeria is positive for intending consumers of the products and investors. Since their focus is on CNG and Electric cars, one can see that they are already taking the step to approach the future as electric cars will not just be a popular option in Nigeria but the rest of the world.

The global campaign to combat global warming is at an all-time high, so as the world keep seeking options that can reduce carbon emission, CNG and Electric cars are more eco-friendly; as such, everything being equal, the Omaa Motors Nigeria company is going to have a great future and possibly great products.

If you want to learn more about the company or its products, you may contact them using the phone line or their email below.

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Phone: +234 8077692610

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