Changing Earth and Human Activities a Crossroad of Fate

It has been established that change is constant. This applies to our planet; the relationship between changing earth and human activities. What we are sure of is that we have not always been here, but it is hard to tell if nothing ever was. For millions of years of our earth’s existence, it has evolved several changes.

Changing Earth and Human Activities

Can we tell of the time back, back and back? Possibly before the dinosaurs what else was and what has posed the most change to our planet? Are we distinct or a part of the earth? Often we choose to see ourselves as different from our planet but we could be an evolution of its parts.

Now in all of the millions of years before modern man evolved, earth has passed through changes, sometimes really slowly and at other times aggressively. One thing seems clear, in most parts of earth’s changes and even now, humanity doesn’t seem like a big factor. Yes today we burn fossil fuels impacting the temperature and nature of our planet but these fossil fuels are said to be remnants of what used to be, by burning them, are we adding to the Earth or removing?

Because if fossil fuels are remnants of past existence then we could be taking the earth back to a point it has been in before, one that could turn out a continuation without us. The emergence of other creatures and maybe human-like creatures in some million years after our potential extinction could then be a reality. The notion of changing earth and human activities can be seen that if we speed up the change so fast then our planet may become inhospitable for our kind, the Earth would just be plunged into a familiar phase and we could be plunged into an unknown fate.

It is most likely that our planet being part of a star system will not melt irrespective of the possible logically attainable temperature. The earth’s core is also a dense mass of extremely hot matter. It can be seen that human activities don’t in any way threaten our planet, they threaten its habitable nature, and if there’s anyone who can and should have a rethink, it is us. Human activities have driven the changes of our planet out of balance yet human activities could be reversible. The reversibility while not being instant nor in total is at least possible.

The current relationship between the changing Earth and human activities is such that we could have said oh! This one is not the fault of the Earth, this one is not the fault of the sun, this one is not the fault of meteorites, also not a fault of the moon and its craters but our fault then the question, who are we? Are we not a part of the earth? If we take steps that harm our kind, does it mean the Earth has engaged in a self-impairment?

Then let’s say that we are a part of the earth but a conscious and thinking part of it, does it not make sense that we preserve the foundation of our being? It does seem like in all reality we are a part of the planet, a more mobile, more refined, reasonable, and often logical part of our planet. Oh in this case we are one with our planet. So by taking steps that are helpful to us, we are also helping the planet. Often, when changing earth and human activities are being discussed, some perceive it as an external concern like going to space, like Mars, or even the rest of the universe.

But, no the care of our planet is not an external concern, it is an internal one. We are Earth and Earth is us. We need to pay more attention to the changes in our planet especially such changes that are the reality of our actions and inaction as humanity. Although our planet could have changed anyway, the direction, and pace are the focus here. Yet even when human action brings such change it is still as though our planet is changing in its own accord because, by nature of our formation and growth, we are the same with our source and our source is Earth.


There must be a fair perspective on changing earth and human activities. We are Earth and the Earth is us. When we take appropriate steps to safeguard the planet then we safeguard ourselves. Our destiny with our planet is not a crossroad, it is not intertwined or intermingled, it is one. Our actions are not just going high above or low below, it is trapped with us in the planet and its environs.

We must take positive actions because there’s no sustainable way out of Earth at the moment. With each passing day, we become more united with our planet as individuals who keep moving towards the hands of time back to our mother nature, one at a time and a step at a time, the time can only be slowed but our unity with nature remains beyond questioning.

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