Tree Planting Campaign in Nigeria; Why it Matters

Nigeria is a unique country with diverse natural challenges. There is need for a robust tree-planting campaign in Nigeria. Climate change is impacting it in two different fronts. As the message of global warming and climate change keeps sounding its alarm, Nigeria is being threatened by rising sea levels and desertification. Such a complex combination.

image for Tree Planting Campaign in Nigeria

Apart from desertification in the North, and rising sea levels in coastal areas, there are heavy cases of soil erosion in the Eastern part of the country. All these calls for trees, trees, and more trees. Desertification can be contained in the North when more trees are planted to create shades so more plants can grow underneath.

In the East, more trees with strong roots can help mitigate the impact of soil erosion and when all these are done and generally there are more trees, the environment benefits and though our efforts alone in Nigeria won’t be enough to reverse global warming at least we are taking some intentional steps.

The tree planting campaign in Nigeria has been going on for a while now however more efforts need to be made. Apart from a healthier environment, depending on the kind of trees that we are planting, they can also serve as food for humans and animals. This makes tree planting beneficial on different levels. A greener world is a healthy beauty to behold.

Why Nigerians Need to take tree planting more seriously

Tree planting offers diverse benefits, these benefits include:

  1. Combating desertification: With an effective tree-planting campaign in Nigeria, desert encroachment can be reversed. This is especially true in the Northern part of the country where lakes and other natural water bodies are drying up given desertification.
  2. Provides shade for humans and animals: The part of Nigeria in or close to the Sahara desert is one of the hottest places on the planet. With more trees, there will be shade for humans and animals to be protected from the sun. It also helps microorganisms in the soil as more water would be retained when trees provide shade to the soil.
  3. An additional source of food: Trees can be intentionally planted to be a food source in the future. This can be achieved by planting more edible fruit-bearing trees. The hunger level in Nigeria is on the rise. Intentional planting of trees to provide food in the future will prove a smart step to solving hunger.
  4. Provides a future source of Timber: Trees have been very useful for construction needs presently and in most parts of history. When the trees we plant today mature, they can be cut down for timber while new trees are planted. This can be a good source of income when such maturity time is reached. Although tree maturity may take time, eventually it will happen and it will benefit our world when such trees mature and are used for other important things.
  5. Combats erosion: Trees with their roots provide a strong grip on the soil. This makes it tougher for such soil to be easily washed away by wind, water, or human and animal movement. When this happens, erosion is slowed.
  6. Ornamental Appeal: Tree planting can become a beauty exhibition especially when done intentionally. Trees are beautiful and a collection of them following a pattern can be appealing to look at. Watching and nurturing nature isn’t just beautiful, it is therapeutic.
  7. It is good for the environment: Trees have a way of making our environment healthier. During the day trees give off oxygen, they are also a great source of fresh air. Trees also protect us from harsh environmental factors like wind.

Although cases of strong winds pulling down trees can be a concern, without those trees such winds would be coming directly for us or our structures. This could include houses or other man-made structures. Trees offer more protection than we give them credit for.

How to start a tree planting campaign in Nigeria

  • Decide if you are going solo or need a team: Tree planting can be a solo venture and at other times it can be fun as a team venture. You have to decide if you need a team or would like to go it alone. If you need a team, you seek out like-minded individuals within your neighborhood and pitch your tree-planting ideas to them. When you are done getting those who will join your tree planting team then it is time to seek permission.
  • Seek permission: Depending on where you intend to plant the trees, you may need permission to do so. If you are planting the trees on your private property then you may not have to take any further permission however if you are planting your trees on public properties like along the road, parks, or other public or government establishments. You may need to seek permission by contacting or writing to the appropriate authority notifying them of your intentions to embark on such tree planting campaign in such a location.
  • Seek support: Tree planting depending on the kind of trees you desire planting may need some funding. If you are financially buoyant you may proceed with funding your tree planting campaign by yourself otherwise you may need to seek funding from other sources.

From securing your tree for planting to getting basic tree-planting equipment like a shovel and cutlass, you may need to seek for funding. Such funding can be from environmentally friendly organizations within your neighborhood. There are other approaches to raising funds for your tree planting campaign in Nigeria, you may also consider writing to your local government chairman for support.

  • Procure your trees and equipment and start planting: When funding has been secured, the next step to achieving your tree planting objective is getting started. Start with your team, start small, and progress.

It is better to start small so that you can be able to pay attention to the planted trees to ensure their survival. It is important to give about a week’s gap between each planting day. This gives enough space for monitoring and caring for the planted trees.

It is important to pay close attention to your trees in the first month of planting as they may not have formed a strong root and risk being pushed down by wind or animals. Also, ensure that there’s adequate water supply to your trees.


The tree planting campaign in Nigeria is growing but has not yet made a significant impact. Because of the many benefits trees provide us, we must take tree planting seriously.

More than any other country, Nigeria threatened by desertification, erosion, and climate change needs more trees. There’s everything heroic about tree planting and if you can then you should get involved.

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